Information on the new Development

The First Mobile home will be available to view in March 2020 
All the homes are
 comfortable and spacious with mains gas, electricity, main sewer and easy parking alongside every home and each home comes with a small garden shed. 

The plot sizes vary in size, but every plot will be very spacious and will be laid to lawn, allowing every new owner to create there own garden in the style that suits them.

To the right you will see the plan of the new development, and you can  see the number to each new mobile home.

These plots will be sold on a first come bases and a none refundable deposit will be required. 

As the development proceeds forward we will update this page on a regular bases, but if you would like to be kept informed please get in touch as soon as possible.

We have had lots of inquiry's to date, so don't be disappointed, Give us a call today and make an appointment.

Viewing is strictly by appointment only